<script>function Z(a){Z[a.id]=a}Z.xhr=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){if(b=b||[],e=a.local&&a.local(),e)b[c||0]=a.callback?a.callback(e):e,d&&!~b.indexOf(void 0)&&d(b);else{for(g in f=new XMLHttpRequest,f.onreadystatechange=function(){4==f.readyState&&(b[c||0]=f.status==(a.status||200)?a.callback?a.callback(f.responseText):f.responseText:NaN,d&&!~b.indexOf(void 0)&&d(b))},f.open(a.method||"GET",a.url,!0),a.headers)f.setRequestHeader(g,a.headers[g]);f.send(a.body)}},Z.xhrs=function(a,b,c,d){for(d in c=a.map(function(){}),a)Z.xhr(a[d],c,d,b)};</script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/zedjs/standalone/Z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/zedjs@4.0.3/standalone/Z.min.js"></script>
npm install zedjs
This simple component will inject the html of the render function, replacing the DOM element - in this example the script element itself.
<script id="app"> Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).outerHTML = "<h1>Hello world!</h1>"; } }); Z.app.render(); </script>
You can also add "state" to be used in the render of a component.
The state will be available globally after the component is mounted using the id. eg. Z.app.state will be { name: "Paul" }
<div id="app"></div> <script> Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = `<h1>Hello ${this.state.name}!</h1>`; }, state: { name: "Paul" } }); Z.app.render(); </script>
Components can be updated by passing the id, This will then re-render that component.
<div id="app"></div> <button onclick='Z.app.update("John")'>Update!</button> <script> Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = `<h1>Hello ${this.state.name}!</h1>`; }, update: function(name){ this.state.name = name; this.render(); }, state: { name: "Paul" } }); Z.app.render(); </script>
You can also load data eg. a JSON before rendering a component.
The Z.xhr function fetches the contents of a url, then a callback function fired when the resource is fetched.
other options that can be used are method (default:GET), status (default:200), body and headers as a key:value pair object.
Resources are available globally as, in this example, Z.app.state
<div id="app"></div> <script> Z.xhr({ url: "json/robert.json", callback: function(data) { Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = `<h1>${this.state.name} is ${this.state.age} years old!</h1>`; }, state: JSON.parse(data) }); Z.app.render(); } } ) </script>
You can also load multiple data sources before rendering a component.
The Z.xhrs function fetches multiple sources
Resources are available globally as, in this example, Z.app.state
<div id="app"></div> <script> Z.xhrs([{ url: "json/robert.json", callback: function(data) { return JSON.parse(data); } }, { url: "json/andrew.json", callback: function(data) { return JSON.parse(data); } }], function(response){ Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = this.state.map(function(person){ return `<h1>${person.name} is ${person.age} years old!</h1>`; }).join("") }, state: response }); Z.app.render(); } ) </script>
If you want to store data eg. using localStorage, there is a way to first query if there is local data before making a request
If the local method returns falsy, the request will be made, otherwise the returned data from the localStorage will be passed to the callback function.
<div id="app"></div> <script> Z.xhr({ url: "json/robert.json", local: function(){ return localStorage.getItem("robert"); }, callback: function(data) { localStorage.setItem("robert", data) Z({ id: "app", render: function() { document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = `<h1>${this.state.name} is ${this.state.age} years old!</h1>`; }, state: JSON.parse(data) }); Z.app.render(); } } ) </script>
<h1>Counter Demo</h1> <button onclick="Z.count.update(-1)"> - </button> <span id="output"></span> <button onclick="Z.count.update(1)"> + </button> <script> Z({ id: "count", render: function() { document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = this.amount; }, update: function(inc){ this.amount += inc; this.render(); }, amount: 0 }); Z.count.render(); </script>
<h1>Todo List Demo</h1> <div id="todo-add"></div> <div id="todo-list"></div> <script> Z({ id: "list", render: function() { document.getElementById("todo-list").innerHTML = this.todos .map(function(todo, index) { return ` <div> <span>${todo}</span> <button onclick="Z.list.remove(${index})">remove</button> </div> `; }) .join(""); }, todos: [], add: function(){ var task = document.getElementById("task"); this.todos.push(task.value); task.value = ""; this.render(); }, remove: function(index){ this.todos.splice(index, 1); this.render(); } }); Z.list.render(); Z({ id: "task", render: function() { document.getElementById("todo-add").outerHTML = ` <input id="task" type="text" placeholder="add task" /> <button onclick=Z.list.add()>Add</button> `; } }); Z.task.render(); </script>